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Garfield HS


Garfield HS Airhanler Chiller Replacement CC24-0935-50

Removal and replacement of existing HVAC system including chiller, air distribution and piping. Support work includes electrical disconnects and new connections and structural and roofing repair/upgrades as required for removal and installation of HVAC equipment.
​​   Garfield HS                                                           PSA Specialist:
   1255 16th Street, San Diego, CA 92101                    Maria Cruz   (619) 879-7870

    Pre-Job Meeting Dates:                                                           Bid ad:        03/05/24
        TBD                                                                                  Bid award:   05/14/24
    ***Anticipated start Summer 2025***                                                                                             
                                                                                                ​Project value: $5,467,000

collapse Document Types : Bid Documents ‎(4)
01. Ad for Bids Garfield HS Air Handler Chiller Replacement CC24-0935-50-00-00.pdf
6/3/2024 5:01 PMCruz Maria
01.a Bid Documents.pdf
6/3/2024 5:19 PMCruz Maria
02. Final Bid Tab Garfield HS Air Handler Chiller Replacement CC24-0935-50-00-00.pdf
6/3/2024 5:01 PMCruz Maria
03. Sub list Garfield HS Air Handler Chiller Replacement CC24-0935-50-00-00.pdf
6/3/2024 5:08 PMCruz Maria
collapse Document Types : Letters of Assent (LOA) & Pre-Job Forms (PJCF) ‎(1)
_GC Conan LOA.pdf
6/3/2024 5:08 PMCruz Maria